providing a customized FCc frontend

Here are listed other activities with the same intent to create an alternative to freshmeat. providing a customized FCc frontend

Postby milki » Mon 10. Nov 2014, 14:44

So we had this idea floating around on: Combining the forum on OpenSourceStores with a customized version of freshcode.

As the domain name implies a somewhat modernized shop-style template might make sense. Possibly even completely merging a phpBB and FCc frontpage per iframes?

Anyway, the freshcode implementation is not quite as portable yet. It'll involve a little setup:
  • In any case a local SQlite database is required. Setup should be simple.
  • At least PHP 5.4 required. (It wasn't designed with usage as shared hosting cms in mind.)
  • If the local version should canvas different screenshots, it also requires ImageMagick and wkhtmltoimage ready. Otherwise the screenshots can use absolute URLs to origin.
  • Instead of requiring local management, the submit+update buttons can just point back to as 'master' system. Which simplifies the sync process.
  • If the phpBB user database instead should be a reused, then a simple $_SESSION bridge might do. Otherwise phpBB to be customized for OpenID support (but that's likely to cumbersome to patch.)
  • A little cronjob can facilitate the data exchange, copying over new entries from FCc:/feed/xfer.json?num=100 every e.g. 2-24 hours.
  • Most of the other cron.daily/* jobs are kind of redundant, apart from tags generation, header and spotlight footer regeneration.

It'll take a little effort still. I'm currently working on a mirroring branch. And maybe the setup should be done in unison (Lothar: maybe you could prepare a SSH account and sharing a TMUX session.)
The real question remains however how the combined system should look- combining the two per iframe? Have the FCc frontend take over the index page, and just include a RSS feed of forum activity? Or do you want to customize phpBB templates to include just a sidebar? (Can't provide help with that.)

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